The 24th Congress of the International Commission for Optics


Oral Presentation

03: Optical Metrology

[Tu1A] LIDAR, Refractive Index Measurement, Fiber Sensing

2017年8月22日(火) 09:10 〜 11:25 Room A (FUJI) (42F)

Session Chair:T. Somekawa(Inst. For Laser Technology)

10:25 〜 10:40

[Tu1A-05] Self-correction of air refractive index with group and phase indices using an optical frequency comb

T. Makino 1,2, K. Miyano 1,2, S. Xiong 3, G. Wu 3, T.R. Schibli 4, Y. Nakjima 1,2, K. Minoshima 1,2 (1.The Univ. of Electro-Communications (Japan), 2.JST, ERATO MINOSHIMA Intelligent Optical Synthesizer Project (Japan), 3.Tsinghua Univ. (China), 4.Univ. of Colorado at Boulder (USA))

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