15:10 〜 15:35
*Andreas A. Sapalidis1 (1. Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”)
EMS session
Special Session (Invited or requested lecture only)
2023年7月12日(水) 15:10 〜 16:50 Room 2 (103)
15:10 〜 15:35
*Andreas A. Sapalidis1 (1. Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”)
15:35 〜 16:00
*Frank Lipnizki1, Tobias Hey1, Helena Norlander2, Therese Jephson3, Henrik Aspegren1,3 (1. Lund University, 2. VA SYD, 3. Sweden Water Research)
16:00 〜 16:25
*Eglé Ferreri1, Christophe Castel1, Eric Favre1 (1. Université de Lorraine)
16:25 〜 16:50
*L. Yu1, N. Al-Jariry1, M. Weyd2, H. Richter2, F. Lipnizki3, J. Hedlund1 (1. Luleå University of Technology, 2. Fraunhofer IKTS, 3. Lund University)
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