

Reverse osmosis

Processes and Fundamentals

Reverse osmosis 3

2023年7月10日(月) 16:10 〜 17:50 Room 11 (304)

Chair:Ralph Rolly Gonzales, Lu Elfa Peng

16:35 〜 17:00

[O1.RO-10] Reevaluate practical performance and inefficiencies in close-circuit reverse osmosis (CCRO) design using time-dependent RO modelling

*Zijing Mo1, Qianhong She2,3 (1. Singapore membrane Technology Centre, Nanyang Technological University, 2. Singapore membrane Technology Centre, Nanyang Environmental and Water Research Institute, Nanyang Technological University, 3. School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University)

キーワード:Closed-circuit reverse osmosis, desalination , time-dependent simulation