

Biomedical / Bio separations / Drug delivery system


Biomedical / Bio separations / Drug delivery system 4

2023年7月13日(木) 15:10 〜 16:50 Room 1 (102)

Chair:Sandra Kentish, Tao Liu

16:00 〜 16:25

[O4.BD-11] Microencapsulated bufalin: from membrane preparation to microspheres tailoring, and sustained release

*Jing Ji1, Wenwei Zhong2, Lina Long3 (1. Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 2. Guangdong Pharmaceutical Univ., 3. Jinan Univ.)

キーワード:Membrane emulsification, Asymmetric properties, Bufalin microspheres