
Presentation information

Gas Separation

Processes and Fundamentals

Gas Separation

Mon. Jul 10, 2023 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM Poster Room 1 (CH1)

[P1-GS-23] Highly H2 Solubility Selective Polyimide-based Semi-IPN membranes for Hydrogen Purification

*CHUN-PO HU1,2,3, Jacob Song Kiat Lim3, Xiao Matthew Hu1,3 (1. Environmental Chemistry & Materials Centre (ECMC), Nanyang Environment and Water Research Institute (NEWRI), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 637141, Singapore, 2. Interdisciplinary Graduate Programme, Collage of Engineering, Singapore 637335, Singapore, 3. School of Materials Science and Engineering, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 637459, Singapore)

Keywords:Crosslinkable electron-donor-acceptor prepolymer, Polymer blend, Hydrogen purification membrane