

Organic Solvent Nanofiltration / reverse osmosis (OSN/OSRO)


Organic Solvent Nanofiltration / reverse osmosis (OSN/OSRO)

2023年7月11日(火) 18:30 〜 20:30 ポスター会場1 (CH1)

[P2-OR-23] Just Click ‘em Together: Controlling Swelling in New Polymers of Instrinsic Microporosity by Cross-linking with the CuAAC Reaction

*Valentino Blas Perez1, Youngjoo Lee2, M.G. Finn1, Ryan Lively 2 (1. Georgia Institute of Technology, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry , 2. Georgia Institute of Technology, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering )

キーワード:Cross-linking, swelling, CuAAC reaction, Organic Solvent Reverse Osmosis