
Presentation information

Contributed Oral

Photochemistry for Photonic Devices and Biophotonics


Thu. Jul 27, 2023 11:25 AM - 12:10 PM RoomA (RoomA)

Chair:Kei Ohkubo

11:25 AM - 11:40 AM

[S9-10-CL] Toward photoinduced reversible switching of charge mobility in the solid state

*Chiara Taticchi1,2, Federico Nicoli1,2, Mattia Zangoli2, Serena Silvi1,2, Alberto Credi1,2, Francesca Di Maria2, Massimo Baroncini1,2 (1. University of Bologna (Italy), 2. Istituto ISOF-CNR (Italy))

Keywords:azoheteroarene, thiophene, photoswitch, charge mobility, solid state

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