
Oral Presentation

Characterization and Defect Engineering

[Fr-1B] Novel Materials and Concepts

2019年10月4日(金) 08:45 〜 10:00 Annex Hall 2 (Kyoto International Conference Center)

09:45 〜 10:00

[Fr-1B-04LN] Precise Placement of VSi in 4H-SiC Using Li+ Implantation for Quantum Technologies

Shojan P. Pavunny1, *Rachael L Myers-Ward1, D. K. Gaskill1, Edward Bielejec2, Hunter Banks1, Andrew L. Yeats1, Matthew T. DeJarld3, Samuel Carter1 (1. US Naval Research Laboratory(United States of America), 2. Sandia National Laboratories(United States of America), 3. Raytheon(United States of America))