
Poster Presentation

Poster Presentation

[Mo-P] Poster Presentation

2019年9月30日(月) 15:45 〜 17:45 Annex Hall 1 (Kyoto International Conference Center)

15:45 〜 17:45

[Mo-P-44] On the Collector and Buffer Design of Ultrahigh Voltage n-type SiC IGBTs

*Thanh-Toan Pham1,2, Andrei Mihaila1, Marco Bellini1, Enea Bianda1, Giovanni Alfieri1, Vinoth Sundaramoorthy1, Lars Knoll1, Renato Minamisawa2 (1. ABB Switzerland Ltd, Corporate Research Centre(Switzerland), 2. University of Applied Sciences Northwestern (FHNW)(Switzerland))