The 8th International Conference on Serviceology (ICServ2023)


Oral Session

Service Engineering and Technology

2023年9月14日(木) 16:20 〜 17:40 Room 2

Chair: Joao Falcao Cunha (FEUP - Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto)

[O4-03] An Impact of System Down Risk Disclosure on Maintenance Service Personnel Effort and System Liability

An Experimental Economic Analysis with Student Subjects

Ryoji Makino2, *Kenju Akai1, Jun-ichi Takeshita2, Takanori Kudo3, Keiko Aoki4 (1. Shimane University, 2. National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, 3. Setsunan University, 4. Saitama University)

キーワード:Maintenance service, Game theory, Product system

