Oral Presentation
[PRJ7/LCT8] Eyewear
Special Topics of Interest on AR/VR and Hyper Reality
2019年11月29日(金) 15:00 〜 16:20 Room 108 (1F)
Chair: Dieter Cuypers (CMST)
Co-Chair: Subaru Kawasaki (JNC Korea)
15:00 〜 15:20
*Wei-Wei Chen1, Jui-Wen Pan1, Shie-Chang Jeng1 (1. National Chiao Tung University (Taiwan))
15:20 〜 15:40
*Andres Vasquez Quintero1, Pablo Perez-Merino2, Sudha Sudha1, Lucas Oorlynck1, Herbert De Smet1 (1. Ghent University / imec, Centre for Microsystems Technology CMST (Belgium), 2. Instituto de Investigacion Sanitaria Fundacion Jimenez Diaz (Spain))
15:40 〜 16:00
*Dieter Cuypers1, Rik Verplancke1, Herbert De Smet1 (1. imec and Ghent University (Belgium))
16:00 〜 16:20
*Zhengnan YUAN1, Zhibo SUN1, Abhishek K SRIVASTAVA1 (1. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Hong Kong))