The 26th International Display Workshops (IDW '19)


Oral Presentation

[3D8/3DSA8] Virtual Reality 2

Special Topics of Interest on AR/VR and Hyper Reality

2019年11月29日(金) 13:20 〜 14:40 Small Hall (2F)

Chair: You Kwang Wang (Osense Technology)
Co-Chair: Haruki Mizushina (Tokushima University)

14:20 〜 14:40

[3D8/3DSA8-4] Accuracy verification of visual appearance acquisition device of non-metallic material based on Sparse SVBRDF

*Tsung-Lin Lu1, Yu-Lun Liu1, Yu-Cheng Hsieh1, Tzung-Han Lin1 (1. National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan))

キーワード:Visual appearance, Spatially Varying Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function, Cook-Torrance Model

In this paper, we proposed a visual appearance acquisition device comparing with commercial product. Our device is capable of restoring the visual appearance for non-metallic materials based on spatially varying bidirectional reflectance distribution function (SVBRDF). A benchmark comparing to commercial product Radiant Vision is carried out to verify the reliability of the proposed device.