The 26th International Display Workshops (IDW '19)


Oral Presentation

[AMD1] Foldable Technology of OLED Displays

2019年11月27日(水) 13:40 〜 15:15 Mid-sized Hall B (1F)

Chair: Koichi Miwa (LG Display Co.,Ltd)
Co-Chair: Keisuke Omoto (Apple)

14:05 〜 14:30

[AMD1-2(Invited)] Ubiquitous Display, The Golden Age of OLED

*Chenggong Wang1, Zhibo Yao1, Yifan Liu1, Xianrui Qian1, Jiye Xia1 (1. Visionox Technology Inc (China))

キーワード:AMOLED, Flexible display

The AMOLED display techbology became more and more popular in the display field. However, there are still many chanllenges for this technology. We spend a lot of time working on it to make progress of the mass production of AMOLED, especially for the flexible AMOLED.