The 26th International Display Workshops (IDW '19)


Poster Presentation

[LCTp2] Alignment Technologies

2019年11月28日(木) 10:40 〜 13:10 Main Hall (1F)

10:40 〜 13:10

[LCTp2-3] The influence of PI and Reactive Mesogens to the formation and stability of pretilt angle

*Wei Cui1, Hongquan Wei2, Te-Jen Tseng2, Chung-Ching Hsieh2 (1. Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School/Shenzhen China Star Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd (China), 2. Shenzhen China Star Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd (China))

キーワード:PSVA LC;, The stability of pretilt angle, Reactive Mesogen, Polyimide

In the large-area fabrication of real panel, black circle and banding mura arised. This phenomenon was improved by adjusting the structure of PI and RM : PI with rigid side chain and RM with soft sturcture could make smaller pretilt angle and better pretilt stability.