The 26th International Display Workshops (IDW '19)


Oral Presentation

[PRJ4] Projection Mapping and Lighting

2019年11月29日(金) 09:00 〜 10:35 Room 108 (1F)

Chair: Shinsuke Shikama (Setsunan Univ.)
Co-Chair: Petra Aswendt (ViALUX GmbH)

10:20 〜 10:35

[PRJ4-5L] Laser Phosphor Light Source with Hot Spot for Intelligent Headlight using DMD for Ultra-High Beam Applications

*Kenneth Li1, Y.P. Chang2 (1. Optonomous Technologies Inc. (United States of America), 2. Taiwan Color Optics, Inc. (Taiwan))

キーワード:intelligent headlight, laser phosphor, dmd, autonomous vehicles, extreme high beam

An intelligent headlight using a single DMD and a laser pumped crystal phosphor plate producing a hot spot for extreme high beam has been designed and develop. Initial experiment results using a DMD projection engine will be presented