The 26th International Display Workshops (IDW '19)


Oral Presentation

[VHF6] Ergonomics for Display Applications I

2019年11月29日(金) 13:20 〜 14:45 Mid-sized Hall A (1F)

Chair: Nobuyuki Hiruma (NHK-ES)
Co-Chair: Gosuke Ohashi (Shizuoka University)

14:30 〜 14:45

[VHF6-4L] Cylindrical Transparent Display with Hologram Screen

*Tomoharu Nakamura1, Akira Tanaka1, Tsuyoshi Kaneko1, Masanori Iwasaki1, Takayuki Kurihara1, Noriyuki Kato1, Koji Kuramoto1, Hidehiko Takanashi1, Yuji Nakahata1 (1. Sony Corporation (Japan))

キーワード:360-degree, transparent screen, hologram, high-speed camera, motion parallax image

We have developed a hologram screen with higher transparency and higher diffraction efficiency compared to conventional transparent screens. We have applied this screen to a cylindrical transparent display, and propose a display system creating a feeling of "actually there" reality to 2D images with the combination of sensing technology using multiple high-speed cameras.