
Presentation information

Poster Session

[P1] Poster Session 1

Fri. Sep 21, 2018 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM Room 2 (Auditorium 2 / 1F, Building No.2 (Poster①/Exibition/Drink Servie))

[P1.5] A case of complete hydatidiform mole coexistent with a fetus treated by simple hysterectomy

Anatomy and pathology

○Tomona Matsuoka, Hiroaki Aoki, Ritsuko Kobayashi, Natsuki Matsumoto, Akihiro Ikenaga, Wakiko Shimomai, Kana Hirayama, Keiko Yabuzaki, Taisuke Sato, Michihiro Yamamura, Haruhiko Udagawa, Kazuhiro Kajiwara, Yuki Ito, Taizan Kamide, Osamu Samura, Aikou Okamoto (The Jikei University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan)

IFPA 2018 Abstracts

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