

Poster Session

[P2] Poster Session 2

2018年9月22日(土) 17:00 〜 19:00 Room 2 (Auditorium 2 / 1F, Building No.2 (Poster①/Exibition/Drink Servie))

[P2.6] Retrospective analysis of the association of opaque fetal membrane with chorioamnionits and early neonatal complications: Importance of gross screening of the placenta

Anatomy and pathology

Yoshimasa Horikoshi, Masako Matsumoto, Naomi Furuta-Isomura, Kazunao Suzuki, Chizuko Yaguchi, Kazuhiro Sugihara, Hiroaki Itoh, Naohiro Kanayama (Hamamatu University School of Medicine, Shizuoka, Japan)

IFPA 2018 Abstracts
