IRC 2016 Kitakyushu

Presentation information

Oral Sessions

General Topic » G4: Filler and Additives

[D-21~D-25] G4: Filler and Additives

Thu. Oct 27, 2016 8:30 AM - 10:10 AM Session D (Room 311-313, AIM 3F)

Junji Watanabe

8:50 AM - 9:10 AM

[D-22] Aging Resistant Elastomers Doped with Antioxidant Loaded Clay Nanotubes

Fu Ye1,2, Yang Chun1, Gong Congcong1, Wang Wencai1, Zhang Liqun1, Lvov Yuri2, Zhao Xiuying1, Yang Haibo1 (1.Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China, 2.Louisiana Tech University, USA)

Please refer the Program & Abstracts.
