14th ISAIA

Excursion2_Byodoin temple tour

Self-guided tour of Byodoin garden and museum (designed by Akira Kuryu) and 30 minutes guided tour of Kannondo hall restoration project.

Byodoin is a Buddhist temple in Uji, and Hououdo building is registered as a national treasure.
Special tour of restoration project of Kannondo hall, established in the 12th century, important cultural property, is organized for ISAIA participats.
(Source: https://www.byodoin.or.jp/en/)

Location of Byodoin is Uji city, suburb of Kyoto city.
Less than 1 hour travel from down town Kyoto.
The exact meeting location will be sent to participants who have registered.
Date 2024.9.13(Fri.) 10:00-11:30 (Self guided tour + guided tour)
(If you would like to enter Hououdo building, you can go their after the guided tour.
Pre-booking at the time of self-guided tour is strongly recommended.)
Handing fee  1,000yen(JPY)+entrance fee of Byodoin 700 yen (JPY) + Hououdo 300 yen (JPY)
 Max 15 people.

We hope many international guests could join the tour.

*Please apply via the following website: