14th ISAIA

Keynote Speech/Theme Session/Academic Session


For more information on 14th ISAIA, please click here.

Keynote Speech

For more information on Keynote Speech, please click here.

Theme Session

For more information on Theme Session, please click here.

Academic Session

For more information on Academic Session, please click ‘Program’.
Academic Session Coordinator:
FUJITA Kaori (The University of Tokyo)and AYUKAWA Kei(Kyoto University)
Topic A Coordinator
TANAKA Tomoaki(Meiji University) and IMOTO Saori(Japan Women’s University)
Topic B Coordinator
OKAMURA Kentaro(Kindai University) and TANIGAWA Ryuichi(Kanazawa University)
Topic C Coordinator
IKEGAYA Naoki(Kyushu University) and KUBOTA Tetsu(Hiroshima University)
Topic D Coordinator
NAKAJIMA Shin(Tokyo City University) and LIU Yichen(The University of Miyazaki)
Topic E Coordinator
MATSUMOTO Naoyuki(Tohoku University) and TAJIRI Seitaro(The University of Tokyo)