14th ISAIA

Presentation information


(D) Urban Planning and Community Design in Diverse Contexts

Urban Structural Analysis-1

Wed. Sep 11, 2024 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Oral22 (3-0321)

Chair:Yichen Liu(Miyazaki University)

1:30 PM - 1:45 PM

[D-7-1] Study on Planning and Design for Improving Thermal Comfort in Urban Villages based on Wind Environment Guidance: Xixiang Street in Shenzhen city as a case study

*xiaohui Xu1, shihan Zhang2, xixi Yang2, chang Zhou2, zixian Wu3 (1. Sichuan Fine Arts Institute (China), 2. Nanjing Forestry University (China), 3. Tianjin Chengjian University (China))

Keywords:Shenzhen Urban Villages, Wind Environment, Thermal Comfort

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