14th ISAIA

Presentation information


(D) Urban Planning and Community Design in Diverse Contexts

Public Space-1

Thu. Sep 12, 2024 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM Oral19 (3-0311)

Chair:Manuel Alejandro Rufasto Ñañez(Shinshu University)

2:30 PM - 2:45 PM

[D-13-5] Identifying the Characteristics of Street Food Vendor Typologies in Night Markets: Case Study at Dipatiukur Street and Lengkong Kecil Street in Bandung, Indonesia.

*Imas Nurrahmah Priandani1, Arifatul Hasanah1, Hanson E. Kusuma1 (1. Institut Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia))

Keywords:Street vendors, Night markets, Public space

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