The Seventh International Symposium on Arctic Research (ISAR-7)

Presentation information

Poster Session Core Time

Regular » R7

[R7_P-Core1] Geospace

Wed. Mar 8, 2023 8:20 AM - 9:20 AM Poster Session (Zoom)

[R7-P08] The 10-year summary of the sodium lidar at Tromsø, and its future plan

*Satonori Nozawa, Takuya Kawahara, Norihito Saito, Takuo Tsuda, Satoshi Wada, Masaki Tsutsumi, Toru Takahashi, Tetsuya Kawabata, Yasunobu Ogawa, Hitoshi Fujiwara, Shin Suzuki, Magnar Johnsen, Asgeir Brekke

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