

Oral presentation

[WA] Quantum Wells, Wires, and Dots

2022年10月19日(水) 08:30 〜 10:40 International Conference Hall (3F)

Session Chairs: Larry Coldren(UC Santa Barbara), Yasutomo Ota(Keio University)

10:10 〜 10:25

[WA-07] Reduced Temperature-Dependence of Optical Gain in Type-II GaAs-based "W"-Laser Structures

*Dominic Andrew Duffy1, Igor P. Marko1, Christian Fuchs2, Thilo Hepp2, Jannik Lehr2, Kerstin Volz2, Wolfgang Stolz2, Stephen J. Sweeney1 (1. Univ. of Surrey (UK), 2. Philipps-Univ. Marburg (Germany))

Presentation style: Online

キーワード:W-laser, Gain, Telecoms