*Taiki Inatomi1, Taichi Morita2, Naoji Yamamoto2, Hideki Nakashima2, Tomihiko Kojima1, Eisuke Kuramoto1, Masaki Ikebe1, Atsushi Sunahara3, Shinichi Namba4, Toshiyuki Ise5, Kazuhiro Yagi5, Yoshitaka Mori6, Tomoyuki Johzaki4
(1. Kyushu University Interdisciplinary graduate school of Engineering Sciences, 2. Kyushu University Faculty of Engineering Sciences, 3. Purdue University department of nuclear engineering , 4. Hiroshima University department of advanced science and engineering, 5. IHI Aerospace Co., Ltd., 6. The Graduate School for the Creation of New Photonics Industries)
Keywords:laser fusion rocket, magnetic thrust chamber, numerical simulation
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