33rd International Symposium on Space Technology and Science, 10th Nano-Satellite Symposium & 14th IAA Low-Cost Planetary Missions Conference

Presentation information

Oral Session

t) Systems Engineering and Information Technology

[T-1] Satellite Data Application

Thu. Mar 3, 2022 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM Meeting Room33 (3F)

Chair:Masanori Kawamura(MELCO)

4:00 PM - 4:20 PM

[2022-t-01] In-Company-Activity to Create Innovative Applications using Satellite Information using "System x Design Thinking" - Insights from Six-Year-Long Mitsubishi Design Project

Shoji Yoshikawa1, Akihiko Honda1, *Masanori Kawamura1, Mao Konishi1, Tomoko Tanabe1, Komi Matsubara2, Kazuyuki Kikuchi3, Fumihito Oura4, Tsuyoshi Hirose4, Makoto Ioki4 (1. Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Advanced Technology R& D Center, 2. Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Integrated Design Center, 3. Mitsubishi Electric Corp. Kobe Works, 4. Keio Univ. Graduate School of System Design and Management)

Keywords:Design project, Innovative thinking, Diversity, Psychological safety, Space application

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