
Session information

Oral Session

n) Earth Observation

[n-1] ALOS-2 and Future Missions

Mon. Jun 5, 2023 4:00 PM - 5:40 PM The medium Meeting Room3 4F (The medium Meeting Room3 4F)

Shinichi Sobue (JAXA), Tadashi Imai (JAXA)

4:20 PM - 4:40 PM

*Yohei Kojima1, Takeshi Motohka1, Yukihiro Kankaku1, Satoko Miura1, Yoshihisa Arikawa1 (1. Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)

4:40 PM - 5:00 PM

*Masanobu Shibata1, Shinnosuke Kondo1, Shohei Nakamura1, Yukihiro Kankaku2, Takeshi Motohka2, Yoshihisa Arikawa2 (1. Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, 2. Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)



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