
Session information

Oral Session

f) Small Satellite : Joint session with NSAT

[f-5] Missions 5

Tue. Jun 6, 2023 4:00 PM - 5:40 PM The large Meeting Room 3 5F (The large Meeting Room 3 5F)

Ryu Funase (JAXA),Shintaro Nakajima (JAXA)

4:20 PM - 4:40 PM

*Dongha Park1, Youngho Kim2, Jaehong Park2, Jaejun Lee3, Seongsu Kim3, Wonho Choe1 (1. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. Department of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering, 2. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. Department of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering, Space Exploration Engineering Program, 3. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. Department of Aerospace Engineering, Space Exploration Engineering Program)




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