
Presentation information

Oral Session

b) Electric and Advanced Propulsion

[b-5] Hall Thruster

Wed. Jun 7, 2023 11:00 AM - 12:20 PM Kurumeza 3F (Kurumeza 3F)

Yasushi Okawa (JAXA), Hiroki Watanabe (JAXA)

11:00 AM - 11:20 AM

[2023-b-16] Numerical Modeling of Xenon and Krypton Mixture Discharges in Hall Thruster

*Jaehong Park1, Youngho Kim1, Guentae Doh2, Dongho Lee3, Jaejun Lee4, Wonho Choe5 (1. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering, Space Exploration Engineering Program, 2. Korea Aerospace Research Institute, 3. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Physics, 4. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Space Exploration Engineering Program, 5. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Department of Nuclear and Quantum Engineering)

Keywords:Hall thruster, Electric Propulsion, Hybrid Particle-In-Cell, Xe–Kr mixture