34th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science & 12th Nano-Satellite Symposium(ISTS2023)


Oral Session

m) Sounding Rocket, Balloon and Flight Experiment using Small Flight Vehicle

[m-2] Research and Development related to Balloon Flight test System

2023年6月9日(金) 11:00 〜 12:20 The medium Meeting Room 1 4F (The medium Meeting Room 1 4F)

Daisuke Akita (Tokyo Institute of Technology), Yoshitaka Mizumura (JAXA)

11:20 〜 11:40

[2023-m-06] Balloon Flight Tests of Low-Temperature Radiator

*Shun Okazaki1, Hideyuki Fuke1, Masayoshi Kozai2, Tetsuya Yoshida1, William Craig3, Jerome Olson4, Evan Martinez5, Nathan Saffold5 (1. Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, 2. Research Organization of Information and Systems, 3. University of California, Berkeley, 4. Heliospace Corporation, 5. Columbia University)

キーワード:Thermal design, Radiator, Balloon experiment, Convective heat exchange