34th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science & 12th Nano-Satellite Symposium(ISTS2023)


Oral Session

n) Earth Observation

[n-2] ALOS-2 Applications and Disaster Mitigations

2023年6月6日(火) 09:00 〜 10:40 The medium Meeting Room3 4F (The medium Meeting Room3 4F)

Takeo Tadono (JAXA), Keiji Imaoka (Yamaguchi University)

10:20 〜 10:40

[2023-n-10] Extraction of Topographical Feature Patterns in the Kanto-Koshin Region and Use for Wide-Area Disaster Mitigation

Toshiro Sugimura2, *Kuniaki Isobe1, Akira Ojima1 (1. Chuo College of Technology, 2. Nihon University)

キーワード:Topographical feature, pattern recognition, disaster predisposition