ITC Fukuoka 2023


Technical Session

Technical sessions » Tribology Simulation

Fluid Structure Interaction 1

2023年9月27日(水) 10:20 〜 12:00 会場 F (小会議室405+406)

Takashi Nogi (Kyodo Yushi Co., Ltd., Japan)
Takumi Ishikawa (Tottori University, Japan)

11:40 〜 12:00

[27-F-05] Transient Mixed Lubrication and Wear Model of Artificial Knee Joints with Surface Topography

*Sallar Ali Qazi1, Connor Myant2, Gregory de Boer3, Robert Hewson1 (1. Department of Aeronautics, Imperial College London, UK, 2. Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London, UK, 3. School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Leeds, UK)

キーワード:wear modelling, mixed lubrication, knee implant, surface roughness

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