ITC Fukuoka 2023


Technical Session

Technical sessions » Tribology Simulation

Contact Mechanics Simulation 2

2023年9月28日(木) 15:50 〜 16:50 会場 J (中会議室414)

Martin H. Müser (Saarland University, Germany)
Qiang Li (Technische Universität Berlin, Germany)

15:50 〜 16:10

[28-J-06] A Stress Based Model for General Rolling Contact with Surface and Subsurface Survival: Application to Gears with Material Inhomogeneities

*Guillermo E Morales-Espejel1, Armando Félix1, Hugo Boffy2 (1. SKF, Research and Technology Development, Netherlands, 2. SKF KaM Performance Prediction, Germany)

キーワード:contact mechanics, rolling contact fatigue, gears

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