ITC Fukuoka 2023


Technical Session

Technical sessions » Principles of Tribology

Evaluation Methods 1

2023年9月30日(土) 13:30 〜 15:10 会場 G (中会議室411)

Morinoye Olufunmibi Folorunso (The University of Sheffield, UK)
Kentaro Tanaka (Tokyo Univerisity of Marine Science and Technology, Japan)

13:30 〜 13:50

[30-G-05] In situ X-ray Computed Tomography Study of a Sphere/Plane Contact under Normal and Shear Loadings

*Vito Acito1,2, Julien Scheibert1, Joël Lachambre2, Jérome Adrien2, Eric Maire2, Sylvain Dancette2, Davy Dalmas1 (1. Laboratoire de Tribologie et Dynamique des Systèmes UMR 5513, Univ Lyon, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, ENISE, ENTPE, CNRS, Ecully, 69130, France, 2. Laboratoire MATEIS UMR CNRS 5510, Univ Lyon, INSA Lyon, Villeurbanne, F-69621, France)

キーワード:Tribology, Contact Mechanics, Contact Area, X-ray Computed Tomography, Digital Volume Correlation

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