ITC Fukuoka 2023


Technical Session

Technical sessions » Advanced Tribology Material

Solid Lubricants 2

2023年9月30日(土) 13:30 〜 14:50 会場 J (中会議室414)

Vincent Fridrici (Ecole Centrale de Lyon - LTDS, France)
Zhengqiang Tang (Guizhou University, China)

13:50 〜 14:10

[30-J-05] Understanding Tribological Mechanisms of 2D Materials: From Nanoscale Wear and Friction to Macroscale Lubrications

*Lei Chen, Junhui Sun, Linmao Qian (1. Tribology Research Institute, State Key Laboratory of Traction Power, School of Mechanical Engineering, Southwest Jiaotong University, China)

キーワード:Two dimensional materials, Nanowear, Lubrication, Number of layer, Step edge structure

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