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Poster Session

Poster Session (17:30-19:00)

[Mon-PO1E] Poster Session (17:30-19:00) Category E

Mon. Sep 12, 2022 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM Room E (Main Hall)

[Mon-PO1E-3] Rarefied gas flow through a long rectangular channel with a very small ratio of the gap to the width
— Experimental study and DSMC analysis —

*Norio Ogiwara1, Yoichiro Hori1, Hajime Yoshida2, Kenta Arai2 (1. Japan Particle Accelerator Agency (KEK) (Japan), 2. National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ) (Japan))

Keywords:rarefied gas flow, long rectangular channel, direct simulation Monte Carlo method, Knudsen minimum

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