

Parallel Sessions

Scanning Probe Microscopy

[Wed-C1] Scanning Probe Microscopy

2022年9月14日(水) 14:00 〜 16:00 Room C (Mid-sized Hall A)

15:30 〜 15:45

[Wed-C1-5] Award Applied
Accessing the diabolic point of individual atoms in a spin chain for quantum tunneling spectroscopy

*Robbie Elbertse1, Taehong Ahn2, Jiyoon Hwang2, Jeongmin Oh2, Jorn Rietveld1, Fernando Delgado3, Yujeong Bae2, Andreas Heinrich2, Sander Otte1 (1. Delft University of Technology (Netherlands), 2. Center for Quantum Nanoscience (Korea), 3. Institute for Advances Studies in Atomic, Molecular, and Photonic Physics (Spain))

キーワード:quantum, berry phase, diabolic point, lifetime, spectroscopy, Fe on CuN/Cu(100)

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