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Poster Session

Poster Session (12:30-14:00)

[Wed-PO1C] Poster Session (12:30-14:00) Category C

Wed. Sep 14, 2022 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM Poster C (Main Hall)

[Wed-PO1C-15] Tetrahedrally coordination surface for the enhancement of TiO2 photocatalysis

*Mitsuhiro Honda1, Rahul Deshmuk1, Tsuyoshi Ochiai2, Tomoyuki Tamura1, Keisuke Goto1, Yo Ichikawa1 (1. Nagoya Institute of Technology (Japan), 2. Kanagawa Institute of industrial Science and TEChnology (KISTEC) (Japan))

Keywords:Photocatalysis, Surface structure, TiO2

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