The 30th Annual Conference of Japan Academy of Learning Disabilities (KANAGAWA)

Presentation information


オンデマンド配信 » 特別講演

[SL] 特別講演


[SL1] LDの子どもへの指導を支える隠し味“RTI”
Response To Intervention as the Secret Ingredient to Supporting Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities

〇Sharon Vaughn1 (1.The University of Texas at Austin and The Executive Director of the Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk)

テキサス大学オースティン校 教授
メドウズ教育リスク予防センター 上級ディレクター




テキサス大学オースティン校評議員、教授、 1997年~現在

Students with learning disabilities and other learning difficulties benefit when schools and teachers provide a Response to Intervention Approach to their Education. Response to intervention provides a valuable model for providing universal screening in reading and behavior as well as research-based approaches to Tier 1 (classroom instruction for all learners), Tier 2 (intervention for students at risk, and Tier 3 (intensive interventions) are implemented effectively. This presentation will provide critical details about implementation of all elements of Response to Intervention approaches as well as current research on how to effectively implement. The following challenges to implementing response to intervention will be presented including:
●Differentiating between responders and nonresponders and approaches to providing differentiated instruction
●Providing the necessary professional development to assure that all practicing professional are able to effectively implement the necessary tasks
●Implementing effective and appropriate roles for families
●Developing and implementing effective teams for data-based decision making
●Ensuring that school wide academic and behavioral practices are evidence base and effectively implemented with fidelity
●Collecting ongoing data to made instructional decisions as well systemic change.
Response to Intervention as it relates to elementary and secondary students will also be discussed. Recent research on how to predict students’ response to intervention as well as practical approaches to using data to effect student level and school-wide change will also be presented.
【Curriculum Vitae】
The University of Texas at Austin Regents, Professor, 1997–present
University of Miami, Professor, 1985–1997
University of New Hampshire, Assistant Professor, 1982–1985
University of Arizona, Lecturer, 1979–1982
Melbourne State College (Australia) , Visiting Lecturer, Summer 1981

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