2019 Annual Meeting of Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences (JAMS)

Session information

Poster presentation

R3: High-pressure science and deep Earth's material

Sun. Sep 22, 2019 9:30 AM - 3:00 PM A-presentation space (East zone 1)

[コアタイム] 12:00~14:00

9:30 AM - 3:00 PM

*Tomotaka Tanaka1, Satoshi Kishi1, Hirochika Sumino1, Hideharu Kuwahara2, Ryuichi Nomura3, HIroyuki Kagi4, Kenji Mibe5 (1. Univ of Tokyo. arts and sci., 2. Geodynamics Research Center, Ehime Univ., 3. Human and Environmental Studies., Kyoto Univ., 4. Grad. Sch. Sci., Univ. Tokyo., 5. Earthquake Research Institute, Univ. Tokyo)



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