9:30 AM - 3:00 PM
[R1P-12] Amesite from Yakiyama, Izuka, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan
Keywords:Amesite, Al-serpentine, Serpentine, Rodingite, Low-temperature phase
Amesite (Mg, Al)3(Si, Al)2O5(OH)4 is related to serpentine Mg3Si2O5(OH)4 as a solid solution. The intermediate composition is called Al-serpentine, which is considered to be a low-temperature phase (metastable phase) polymorphic to chlorite and is mineralogically important. In this study, we identified 2 types of amesite, during the field work of the constituent minerals of the rodingite associated with serpentinite around Mt. Ryuo in Yakiyama, Iizuka City, Fukuoka Prefecture. In this study, We considered their occurrence and mineralogical properties.