


R7: 岩石・鉱物・鉱床一般 (資源地質学会共催セッション)

2019年9月21日(土) 14:00 〜 15:45 A-117 (イースト1号館)

座長:片山 郁夫、越後 拓也

14:45 〜 15:00

[R7-04] Attenuated Total Reflection Infrared (ATR-IR) Spectroscopy of Serpentine Minerals

*Ilona Sakaguchi1, Yui Kouketsu1, Katsuyoshi Michibayashi1, Simon Wallis2 (1. Nagoya University, GSES , 2. The University of Tokyo, EPS)

キーワード:Attenuated total reflection infrared (ATR-IR) spectroscopy, Serpentine minerals, Antigorite, Chrysotile, Lizardite

We used attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy (ATR-IR) to characterize the infrared spectra of antigorite, chrysotile and lizardite from samples from Mt. Shiraga serpentinite body. The ATR-IR method proved to be a reliable and simple method to distinguish the three serpentinine minerals from each other. We also applied ATR-IR to map areas with multiple mineral phases in order to demonstrate the possibilities of this technique in analyzing thin section scale microstructures.