3:15 PM - 3:30 PM
[R7-06] Mineralogical examination of white turbidity and arsenic contamination occurring in Kotakigawa Itoigawa region in 2019
Keywords:Itoigawa, serpentinite mélange, Asbestos, Arsenic contamination
The western part of Itoigawa in Niigata Prefecture is attributed to the Renge belt (Nishimura 1998), it contains old serpentinite mélange containing jadeitite (Kawano 1939; Chihara 1989, etc.).
This serpentine mélange zone occasionally causes collapses, and the white turbidity phenomenon occurred in Kotakigawa in June 2019. Turbid river water was found to contain 0.084 mg/kg of arsenic.
The cause of the turbidity was minute particles of chlorite, talc, chrysotile and tremolite. There were determined to be asbestiform and arsenic-containing pentlandite contained in serpentine.
This serpentine mélange zone occasionally causes collapses, and the white turbidity phenomenon occurred in Kotakigawa in June 2019. Turbid river water was found to contain 0.084 mg/kg of arsenic.
The cause of the turbidity was minute particles of chlorite, talc, chrysotile and tremolite. There were determined to be asbestiform and arsenic-containing pentlandite contained in serpentine.