


S2: 岩石-水相互作用 (スペシャルセッション)

2019年9月20日(金) 09:30 〜 17:00 A-プレゼンスペース (イースト1号館)

09:30 〜 17:00

[S2P-04] 中性子散乱と透過電顕による含水鉱物の微視的な脱水過程の解析

*奥地 拓生1、プレジャブ ナランゴー1、瀬戸 雄介2、富岡 尚敬3、柴田 薫4、山田 武5 (1. 岡山大・惑星研、2. 神戸大・院理、3. 海洋研究海洋機構、4. 原子力機構、5. CROSS)


Hydrous minerals have been playing fundamental roles in the evolution of the Earth. Atomic-scale transport process of hydrogen within the relevant crystal structures when dehydration occurs within these minerals (e.g. by volume diffusion or grain-boundary diffusion ?, and by transport of H+, hydrogen vacancy, or H2O ? etc.) were left unknown. We analyze these processes by means of neutron scattering and transmission electron microscopy. Here we report results on brucite, DHMS phase E, and few other hydrous minerals at temperatures to around 600 K.