
Presentation information


English Session

第32群 English Session

Sat. Dec 15, 2018 3:50 PM - 4:40 PM 第7会場 (ひめぎんホール 3階 第8会議室)

座長:織井 優貴子(首都大学東京大学院)

[O32-5] Factors enabling death at home: an opinion survey at a bilateral symposium between Finnish Lapland and Hokkaido

Kazuyo Sooudi-Kanzaki1, Reiko Takeu2, Azusa Shikanai3 (1.Faculty of Nursing, Iwaki Meisei University, 2.Faculty of Nursing Welfare, Hokkaido-Iryo University, 3.Faculty of Human Science, Hokkaido Bunkyo University)

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