The 39th Annual Conference of Japan Academy of Nursing Science

Presentation information



第27群 看護管理

Sun. Dec 1, 2019 3:00 PM - 4:15 PM 第2会場 (石川県立音楽堂 2F 邦楽ホール)

座長:小藤 幹恵(公益社団法人石川県看護協会)

[O27-05] 精神科認定看護師による患者に対する治療への動機づけ支援の特徴-計量テキスト分析を用いた検討-

○Ishibashi Akiko1, Nagahiro Chie2, Domen Chieko3 (1. International University of Health and Welfare School of Nursing at Fukuoka, 2. Tokushima Bunri of University Faculty of Health and Welfare Department of Nursing, 3. Department of Health Sciences,School of Medicine, Kyushu University)

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