Christoph Wanner (Division of Nephrology, Department of Medicine, University Hospital of Würzburg)
2018年10月7日(日) 16:55 〜 18:55 第1会場 (ポートピアホテル南館1F ポートピアホール)
座長:Wataru Ogawa(Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine)、Hiroshi Maegawa(Department of Medicine, Shiga University of Medical Science)
Vincent C. Woo (Section of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Medicine University of Manitoba)
Chia-Chia Liu (Body Science and Metabolic Disorders International Medical Center, China Medical University Hospital)
José Manuel Fernández-Real Lemos (Girona Biomedical Research Institute (IdibGi), Endocrinology, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Girona)