JCI Annual Convention in NAGOYA

Presentation information

第35回コンクリート工学講演会 » 非破壊検査・診断

[L24] 非破壊検査・診断Ⅲ

Tue. Jul 9, 2013 3:30 PM - 5:30 PM 第8会場 131・132号室 (名古屋国際会議場)

[座長(建築)]永山 勝、[座長(土木)]内田 慎哉

[L1299] Study on estimate method for the diameter of rebar in RC based on the reflection strength of electromagnetic radiation

Kei NISHITA,Hideki OSHITA (1.中央大学)

Keywords:Ground penetrating Rader,cover depth,diameter of rebar,reflection strength of electromagnetic radiation,percentage of water content

Study on estimate method for the diameter of rebar in RC based on the reflection strength of electromagnetic radiation