JCI Annual Convention in NAGOYA

Presentation information

第35回コンクリート工学講演会 » 非破壊検査・診断

[L51] 非破壊検査・診断Ⅳ

Wed. Jul 10, 2013 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM 第8会場 131・132号室 (名古屋国際会議場)

[座長(建築)]古賀 一八、[座長(土木)]松山 公年

[L1305] Fundamental Study on the effect of the difference in permeability understanding of corrosion products on the surface of rebar

Ying XIONG,Ryoma KITAGAKI,Takafumi NOGUCHI (1.東京大学)

Keywords:Eddy current,corrosion product,permeability,3D electromagnetic analysis

Fundamental Study on the effect of the difference in permeability understanding of corrosion products on the surface of rebar